Lamp Lifters

"Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105
Calling Christians to Work
Lamp Lifters is an outreach ministry meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people in local communities, promoting peace, and proving our commitment to Christ through purely volunteer labor.
Our vision is unlike that of other Christian organizations.
Our staff receive no financial or other compensation.
We operate local missions in cities and towns across America and around the world, knowing the need for volunteer Christian service is extreme in this age when the Gospel is sold like merchandise by men and women who seek the preeminence that is Christ's alone. 3rd John 1:9
All gifts received from donors go exclusively to meet the needs of people suffering from poverty, illness, hopelessness, and despair. Nothing is used to pay workers, staff, administrators, or others.
We share God's merciful Grace by providing food, shelter, clothing, medical provisions, practical education, tools, vehicles, and other practical necessities of people in local neighborhoods, meeting every kind of need, in every way possible, using every means that God provides.
Share your talents with us.
Plant an outreach mission where you live.
Set a secure foundation in the solid soil of selfless service.
Let true love take root in the hearts and minds of people in your community so God can produce a harvest of transformed lives to His Glory.
Do it without being paid for your service.
We will help you get started.
Share the Gospel with labor motivated solely by love.
Meet the practical and spiritual needs of people in your community.
Do it freely, so you don't hinder the Gospel. 1st Corinthians 9:12
Work with us to lift Christ higher. John 12:32